Wednesday, November 15, 2023

                                            Nordic Homeland
                                         By Wayne W Hansen

We are the Scandinavian, Anglo Saxon, and Germanic people, from north west Europe, and we are the nordic-white race. This movement is to unite and protect the nordic people around the world who live in germanic countries.  

We are not the slavic people and we are not the mediterranean-latin people. We have our homeland to stay in and they have their homeland to stay in. We support slavic white and latin white separation for their race and homeland. The pro-nordic teaching, the pro-slavic teaching, and the pro-latin teaching, is to separate the three European races.

Nordic majority countries that speak a germanic language are nordic countries. The following is a list of nordic countries, the population, 2 letter code, 3 letter code, and currency code.

Norway                          5,488,984          NO        NOR        NOK
Sweden                        10,540,886          SE         SWE         SEK
Denmark                        5,935,619          DK        DNK         DKK
Iceland                              387,800          IS          ISL            ISK
Faroe Islands                      54,738          FO         FRO          KR
Germany                      84,482,267          DE          DEU        EUR
Netherlands                 17,961,500           NL         NLD         EUR
Belgium                        11,697,557         BE          BEL          EUR
Luxembourg                     660,809           LU         LUX         EUR
Liechtenstein                      39,584           LI           LIE           EUR
Switzerland                    8,902,308          CH         CHE          CHF
Austria                           9,027,999           AT          AUT          EUR
England                        56,490,048          GB         ENG          GBP
Wales                              3,107,494          GB         WLS          GBP
Scotland                          5,436,600          GB         SCT           GBP
Northern Ireland              1,903,174          GB         NIR           GBP
Republic of Ireland          5,149,139          IE          IRL            GBP
Canada                          36,991,981           CA        CAN          CAD
United States               331,449,281           US        USA           USD
Australia                        25,890,773           AU        AUS           AUD
New Zealand                   4,699,755            NZ       NZL            NZD

We have planted our nordic flag in these countries for our people. It is a violation of racial homeland to race mix our countries. It is a violation of racial marriage to race mix our race. We should practice racial segregation in our nordic nations.  

The English language unites us internationally as most of us, about 70%, have English as our first language. And I think everyone else has English as their second language. The internet helps to unite us as we have fast communication between the 21 nordic countries now. We are united as we have the same Norse God and Norse Goddess who created the germanic people.  

The online encyclopedia says that the term "caucasian race" is an obsolete racial classification of humans, and the peoples of the Caucasus comprise more than 50 ethnic groups. We are not from Asia and we are not slavic looking. Our Creator placed our race in north west Europe and we are nordic looking.

We are not the aryan hindu people. We are not the caucasian Persian people. We are not the Israelite Judean people. We are the nordics from north west Europe who did not race mix. 

From the book, "Our Nordic Race", 1958, by Richard Kelly Hoskins: "We are Nordics -- from the north! Norway, Denmark, Northern Germany, and Sweden. It was from this small section of northern Europe that our race came in successive waves which poured over distant mountains and valleys, seas and oceans. Whatever the nationality of our ancestors we are all kinsmen belonging to the same Nordic race." 

Our ancestors were the norse people, the norsemen. Nordic means the white race of people who have blond hair and blue eyes. The word germanic means the group of people from north west Europe who speak the germanic languages. Germanic languages are German, English, and Scandinavian. We are the norse, nordic, and germanic race of people. All three words are correct to describe our unique race.   

Nordic people can come together to make a large spiritual farm community. This would be for germanic, and non-smoking people only. Ugly tattoos and national socialism would not be allowed. Who wants to make history for the nordic race? Who wants to become a germanic hero? Who wants to win the gold medal for service to the norse race?

Nordic Homeland is to inspire our people to have racial loyalty to our folk. Nordic Homeland teaches love of God and Goddess who created the nordic race of people.   

In the future interracial marriage will not be allowed in our countries any more. Purity of race for germanics is important to us. Purity of race is important to our Creator as Creator created us pure nordic and not mixed nordic. Race mixing destroys the original creation of God. Race mixing changes a race of people to become another race of people.  

In the future when there is an earthquake in a non-germanic country we will not send any of our valuable nordic money to help them. Our money is for germanic people only. We will not be giving free everything to the Ukrainian refugees anymore. They can go to a slavic country to get free everything.

Nordics gave our inventions to the world. We gave our English language to the world. We educated the other races in our universities. We shipped our factories to their countries. What did we get back? We get invaded and replaced in our own germanic countries. We give them free everything and they destroy us racially. They lower the quality of human life. They lower the quality of spiritual life. Invading a country with an army or with immigrants is an act of war. What did you do in the war against the nordic people?   

Liberia is a country on the west coast of Africa with about 5 million people. The Liberian Constitution only allows citizenship to negroes. Those who are not black African cannot own land, vote, or carry Liberian passports. They believe that this law is protectionary and not racist. 

There are 116 race-based laws against white citizens in South Africa. 

Integration does not work because the different races have conflicting interests. 

Iceland banned the stationing of black United States troops in their country from 1951 to 1959. 

Interracial marriage was mostly illegal in the USA before 1967. 

We have made laws to protect our race in the past and we can protect our race today. We need to defend the honor of our nordic Motherland. 

The nordic race has excessive individualism and lack of racial solidarity. Have you noticed that nordic billionaires and millionaires have not spent one dollar to support an all nordic segregated group that helps our race? They have made mansions for themselves and did nothing for their own germanic tribe who made it possible for them to make money in the first place. Our people lack racial loyalty. Our people have race mixed around the world. Nordic homeland will help to correct these problems. 

Humans can identify hundreds of different cow breeds, horse breeds, dog breeds, and cat breeds. But they don't seem to want to identify the three white European breeds of people. We do not look the same, speak the same, and we live in different countries. White people who are half nordic and half slavic who look nordic, speak a germanic language, and live in a norse country, are considered to be nordic. Scandinavian people who have some Sami oriental admixture are considered to be nordic.   

Outbreeding means the mating of humans not closely related to the average of the population. When parents breed out their children do not look like them, their own family, and their own race. Racial integration helps to discontinue the nordic race and racial segregation helps to continue the nordic race. The first racial principle for Nordic Homeland is for nordic people to only marry nordic people of the opposite gender.

The downfall of the nordic race is directly related to the amount of non-nordic people living in nordic countries. The nordic race seems to have lost the will to live as a separate race of people. Our race is committing racial suicide, racial genocide. An example of racial supremacy is when an asian Indian comes to a nordic country, gets a government position, and rules over the nordic people. Race mixing means that other races will conquer your race and homeland sooner or later. 

When you see one non-nordic student in a class of nordic teens then you know this is the beginning of the end of our race as this will increase until the class is all non-nordic. Then the school becomes non-nordic. Then the town becomes non-nordic. Then our race has been replaced in our country. 

When you see one non-nordic soldier in a platoon of nordic soldiers then you know this is the beginning of the end for our race. This means that race mixing is allowed. This means that race does not matter anymore. This means that the nordic country does not matter anymore. This means that the nordic race does not matter anymore. This means that the racial laws from the nordic God does not matter anymore. 

Nordic Homeland is about:

All-Nordic Religons.
All-Nordic Civil Rights Groups
All-Nordic Political Parties
All-Nordic Industry Corporations
All-Nordic Theaters
All-Nordic Movies
All-Nordic TV Stations
All-Nordic Radio Stations
All-Nordic School Academies
All-Nordic Boarding School Academies
All-Nordic Performing Art Academies
All-Nordic Summer Camps
All-Nordic Parks
All-Nordic Clubs
All-Nordic Trade Academies
All-Nordic Singles Dating Academies
All-Nordic Sports Leagues
All-Nordic Farm Communities
All-Nordic Retirement Communities
All-Nordic Armed Forces
All-Nordic Counties
All-Nordic Countries


Someone had a sense of humor and put the Danish flag on these countries. But here is an example of uniting our nordic race around the world with a nordic flag. Look at this great picture and imagine the nordic people having loyalty to their race. Imagine the nordic people separating their race, countries, and homeland, from all the other races in the world and how that would improve our lives.  


Creator placed our race in north Europe. This was the beginning of our folk. Our ancestors were pure breed norse people. Odin is called the Norse God. The Norse God creates norse men in his image and likeness, and creates norse women in the image and likeness of Frigga. 

We are the same nordic race of people.

We are the same germanic race of people.

We are the same norse race of people. 

Our ancestors were the vikings.

The norse people traveled south and west and colonized these lands. Now we are called nordic, germanic, nordic-white, and nordic-germanic. We are the people from north west Europe.  

                         This map shows the homeland of the nordic-germanic race.

                       This chart shows the languages of the nordic-germanic people. 

                                          The Nordic Cross Flag

Stave Church, Scandinavian Heritage Park, Minot, North Dakota, USA


Non-white men living in nordic countries speak our germanic language, use our nordic names, wear our nordic clothes, enjoy the modern society that nordic men created, receive free everything or take our nordic jobs, marry our nordic women and produce non-nordic children. This is how you conquer the nordic race of people. 

Princess Anne-Marie of Denmark left her nordic country to marry a Greek king in 1964. She produced five Greek children, and she has 9 Greek grandchildren. 

If we had a law against interracial marrage this would not have happened and she might have produced five Danish children. She could have continued and supported the nordic race. But she continued and supported the med race. A gold digger marries for money. A crown digger marries for the crown. Wearing the crown of Greece was more important to her than wearing the princess crown of Denmark. Wearing the crown of a foreign race was more important to her then wearing the princess crown of her own race.

The royal crown is the highest cost.
Odin and Frigga wear the royal crowns of the nordic race. 

The following is from the video: "Can the USA Again Be Our Home", by Jared Taylor,

"From a racial point of view the United States is now the opposite of what the founders wanted.
They set up a white nation.
The Preamble to the Constitution, writen by white men, says its purpose is to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity.
Ourselves and our posterity meant white people.
The nations first naturalization law passed in 1790 by the very first congress specified that you had to be a free white person of good character to become a citizen."

Original hand writen United States Constitution 1787

Printing press copy of the United States Constitution 1787. 

The Constitution was written in English, a germanic language, not a slavic or latin language. Posterity means their sons and daughters and all of their descendants. The posterity of the nordic Founding Fathers are the nordic people. 

The Founding Fathers of the United States were nordic and they made a country for nordic people.

The flag of the United States 1787, a flag for nordic germanic people.

This picture shows a USA postal mailing stamp. 

The word white is a nickname for a race of people. Nickname means a shortened form of a proper name. Our skin color is not white but light tan like the oriental race. The correct name for our race is nordic, or nordic white. We are not the slavic white or latin white races of people. 

Calling nordic people white is like calling oriental people yellow, and injun people red. Calling nordic people white implies that nordics, slavs, and latins, are the same race.

What we do this life determines what our next body will be. Those who do not spiritually graduate from this human level have to reincarnate again in this flat-earth-dome, or another one like it. Those who were good nordic people this life can get a good nordic body next life. Would you like to take birth in an all-nordic community in the country where there are hundreds of nordic children in the school? Or would you like to take birth in a city and go to a school with hundreds of non-white children and be the minority race?

Nordic Homeland is about planning for the future of nordic people this life and the next life, uniting and separating our race around the world, and serving our nordic race. Nordic Homeland is about obeying the law of Creator and continuing the nordic race for the next hundred million years. Nordic Homeland is about being loyal to the nordic people.

Danish Royal Yacht Dannebrog

                                                  Norwegian Royal Yacht Norge
                                           The two royal yachts in Oslo harbor

                       King Frederik of Denmark, Crown Prince Haakon of Norway,
                       Queen Mary of Denmark, Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway

Nordic pious monarchy inspires and uplifts our society and we can appreciate what we have. But pro-nordic devotee monarchy would be better. We should not allow interracial marriage and citizenship to non-nordic people. We should be devotees of Odin and Frigga the nordic God and Goddess. 


The Mediterranean countries

To destroy nordic homeland you give citizenship to all the races in the world.
The Fourteenth Amendment 1868

The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924

Nordic majority countries decline to nordic minority countries because most nordic people do nothing to protect their race. We owe the other races nothing. We own the land called the 50 states because we made civilization on this land and they did not. They learned and copied from the nordic people.  



Australia passed the Imigration Restriction Act 1901. The White Australia Policy ended in 1972.

A song called "White Australia" was performed in 1910.
Some of the words are:

"White Australia bold and free
Our national policy
This continent of ours
Is now a white man's land
One flag, one tongue, one people's destination
God bless, and help us protect
Our glorious land Australia"

                                            Nordic Homeland                                          By Wayne W Hansen We are the Scandinavi...